Writer JD Tyler draws on the work of Dr. Radhika Dirks, a quantum computing expert, to explore the question of identity and the meaning of personhood in the age of AI.
From Dirks’ book, Tyler summarizes three waves of AI development:
Explosion of Creativity: The first wave has hit in the form of generative AI systems, making artistic creation widely available.
The World of Illusions: The second wave focuses on the increasing ability of AI to fabricate realistic illusions, blurring the lines between truth and falsehood.
A Race to Intimacy: The third wave explores the development of highly personalized AI bots offering personalized companionship.
To navigate these waves, Tyler suggests four core Christian practices:
Practicing the Presence of God
Cultivating Community
Inconvenient Generosity
In the article, Tyler unpacks each of these practices in more detail.